For Parents
In Boy Scouts, leaders and parents provide support. The Scouts plan the meetings and events. We help with guidance, resources and support. It is very tempting to jump in when your son or another boy is struggling. Our leaders are trained in coaching and in providing enough support so the struggle turns into a learning experience. Our objective is to teach them teamwork and leadership. The Senior Patrol Leader, his assistants and the individual Patrol Leaders lead the troop. The troop operates by the "patrol method" using the patrol of 3-8 boys as the core operational element. If your son has questions, they are first directed to the Patrol Leader and then the Senior Patrol Leader. If you are patient and just sit back and watch you will see an amazing transformation.
A fundamental principle of Scouting is that troops be Boy Led. However, in order for the Scouting program to be successful, parents NEED to be involved. It doesn’t matter whether your job is big or small, help is needed from every adult. There are many different roles to fill and ways to contribute. We need your help, supporting an activity, teaching a skill and helping with advancement. Your involvement can be as expansive or as limited as your schedule allows but we encourage you to get involved. We require that all parents register with the Troop/BSA in order to go on trips and that they take BSA Youth Protection Training online.
Driving for activities and events
Helping out at a Court of Honor
Sitting on Boards of Review
Coordinating a camping trip or event
Helping with Troop equipment
Becoming a Merit Badge Counselor
Attending Troop Committee meetings
Camping with us at Summer Camp
Managing or contributing to our website
The Boy Scout Troop Committee is responsible for conducting the business of the troop, setting policy, and helping the Scoutmaster and Scouts with the outdoor program and other planned activities. The committee also has the responsibility to provide adults for boards of review. This is an important responsibility and is one area where help is always needed and appreciated. The committee consists of parent volunteers who fulfill various roles on the committee.
The positions and responsibilities range from large to small. You can be a member at large or hold office (Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Advancement Coordinator, Membership Coordinator, Eagle Advisor, etc.). Parents are encouraged to attend our meetings.
Every Scout Deserves a Trained Leader! Training gives leaders the knowledge and confidence they need to help boys get the most out of the scouting program. All of Troop 1042's leaders are expected to be trained and we are committed to providing the resources they need.
Here are some links and information to get you started:
- Required Training
The involvement of all our parents and adult leaders is essential to a successful program for our boys. Training is required for all leadership positions—here's what you need to know to ensure your son gets the most out of his scouting experience. If you require training and need help in determining what you need and/or how to get it, please contact the Scoutmaster. You can find most of the required training at
For all leaders (Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters, Committee Members, Merit Badge Counselors, Eagle Candidate Advisers, etc.):
Boy Scout Fast Start Leader Training (available online)
This is Scouting (available online; replaces New Leader Essentials)
Youth Protection (available online; must be renewed every two years)
Leader-Specific Training (training requirements vary depending on your position; please see below for details.)
- Additional Training for Specific Positions
Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters:
Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training (Required)
Introduction to Outdoor Skills (Required)
Wood Badge (Highly Recommended)
Committee Members:
Troop Committee Challenge (available online)
Merit Badge Counselors:
Attend 40 minute Merit Badge Counselor Training Course through Marin Council
Submit Completed Application for Council Approval
If you are interested in becoming a Merit Badge Counselor, please contact the Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator
Please volunteer to become a merit badge counselor to help teach the boys. You do not need to be specifically trained or certified in the area of interest to become a Merit Badge Counselor but you should have some experience or education to share with scouts. With over 130 merit badges offered, you are sure to find a subject that could be in your job discipline, hobby, or other interest. To be considered as a Merit Badge Counselor, please fill out the Merit Badge Counselor application and then submit the completed form to our Merit Badge Couselor Coordinator.